The introduction of elliptical, or under, springs in 1804 enabled coaches and carriages to be lighter and more comfortable to their passengers. The survey (2) and The Buggy (3), both of light construction, were American adaptations of, respectively, the English phaeton and gig. The Survey was designed for family use and was often topped with a fringed roof; The buggy sometimes featured a folding hood and a rear seat for a groom. Each vehicle was drawn by a single horse, although the survey could be modified to accommodate two horses.
The English phaeton, a light, four-wheeled carriage driven by the owner, became popular during the 19th century. Both the lady's or park, phaeton (4) and the stanhope phaeton (5) were elegant town carriages. The mail phaeton (6) the heaviest of the type, was drawn by two horses and more closely resembled a coach.A governess, or tub, cart (7) was designed for children; it was entered through a back door and lacked a front-facing driver's seat.